Is there life after death?

Is there life after death? It's a question I'm sure almost everybody has asked. We all want to know if there's something more than this, because we struggle to face the idea that once we die, that's it, game over. Finished. We want to believe the stories, the movies, that we will haunt our loved ones, get up to tricks as an unsettled spirit, live on as an angel watching over people. You get the gist.

I have always sat on the fence with this one. 

I have experienced 'ghostly' activities, things moving around, being flung across my room before my very eyes and so on. Thankfully this was at a previous house and once we moved, they stopped! However, in spite of this, I have still never been sure. 

I often watch ghost documentaries with my sisters and my dad that discuss people's 'real life' paranormal encounters and am always left wondering if there could be any truth to their stories.

And then there's the book I discussed a few weeks ago, "Goodbye, Dearest Holly". The father of one of the murdered girls, Holly, met with a medium to find out about the death of his daughter, and the medium knew everything. Along with several other mediums, about where the daughter was killed, where she'd be found, who killed her and so on, all long before these answers were provided by the police. 

Instances like this do make me stop and think- is there really something after this life? Do we really continue living as something else? A ghost, spirit, something else through reincarnation?

It makes my brain hurt to even think about it. Because say we do turn into ghosts- what then? Are we a ghost until the end of time? Do we ever just cease to exist? Of course it would be nice to feel as though we could live forever, perhaps be reunited with loved ones who have passed away...but is this what we would really want? All good things must come to an end and I suppose that must include life too.

Wow. This is very deep for a Thursday night!

Reading "Goodbye, Dearest Holly" really made me believe in life after death, in some form or another, but I guess I will never be 100% sure on the matter because there's no way we can truly ever there?

Love from,
Florence Grace

Like this? Why not try... Goodbye, Dearest Holly


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