It's Friday and that means its the next instalment of my newest series, FELINE FRIDAYS. 

Today, I'm reaching out to my fellow cat lovers with a problem I have with my kittens. They are just under one year old now, in fact, they're exactly eleven months old tomorrow, and recently they've been acting a bit...well, strange. Especially Doris! 

They've stopped eating properly. Whilst they will still eat, we will sometimes put a bowl of food down for breakfast and by 10pm its still there, untouched! They have begun wriggling around on their bellies, head butting bags and shoes (and only bags and shoes, bizarre right?) and yowling over and over, sometimes very loudly- and they were not very chatty cats before!

The only conclusion we were able to reach is that they must be 'on heat'. But is this possible before they're even one yet? It seems to be the answer, as it lasts for a few days, disappears and then comes back again, and apparently this will be the case up until Autumn, unless we get them spayed sooner. 

If this behaviour is not because of them being on heat, do you know why it is that they're acting this way? We are particularly worried about Doris, who has gotten very skinny compared to Elsie, and just won't eat as much as we think she should be eating! 

Do your cats have any of these behaviours? Do you know what could be bothering our little fur babies? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace (and Doris and Elsie)

Want to take part in FELINE FRIDAYS with your own fur baby? Email me at florencegrace13@gmail.com and we can collaborate! 


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