Things that upset me.

There are some small things in life that upset me. I don't mean upset as in I'm ready to cry over them, but upset me as in they stress me out, confuse me and irritate me to the point where I'm just screaming 'but why?!' over and over! Want to know what I mean? Read my list and see if you get what I'm saying...

1) Animals without plurals. Sheep. Moose. Sheeps and Mooses right? WRONG. So frustrating!

bbcearth  animals animal earth bbc

2) White chocolate. It has no chocolate in it so why the heck is it called white chocolate?

lbogdonoff  white chocolate knausgaard

3) Wrongly named animals. E.g. a silverfish. It's a bug, not a fish so...WHY?! 

4) Similarly, whales. Specifically, the killer whale, which is actually a dolphin. What? WHY?!

nowthis  animals now this news nowthisnews san diego

5) The English language. Must we have so many duplicated words with so many different spellings and meanings? Their, there, they're. Where, wear. Read, read. Lead, lead. To, too, two. Enough!

english mr bean johnny english

6) Pizza. It comes in a square box but it's a CIRCLE????? And then we cut it into triangles to serve on CIRCULAR PLATES? Oh my lord. 

7) The letter W. Double 'U'? Sorry, don't you mean DOUBLE V HELLO??

8) Silent letters. Knob, knit, what is the actual point in them? 

9) Similarly, letters that sound like other letters. The 'X' in xylophone, perhaps? Grrr.

10) Fish fingers. For two reasons. A) Fish don't have fingers. B) Human fingers aren't rectangular. So where the heck is the name fingers coming from?!

doctorwho  matt smith eleventh doctor custard fish fingers

Do any of these small things really stress you out? Let me know what else does in the comments below, vent some rage with me!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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