It's hump day and already I've seen more drama this week than I have in a long time. Girl on girl hate, boy on boy hate, girl on boy hate- seriously, why can't everybody just grow up and get along?! 

Let's talk about boys. They are seriously so dumb when it comes to girls- I swear 90% of them have absolutely no clue what they're doing almost all of the time! It seems if a guy is in a committed relationship, it can only last so long before they freak the hell out and throw around words like "commitment", "space", "time" and all the other cliche's. As Nicke Jonas and Tove Lo so perfectly put, "space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close". Most boys don't have a single clue what's right in front of them, it's happened to me and it's happened to nearly all of my friends in 2016 so far! What is going on? Man up, step up to being a boyfriend and stop thinking the grass is greener on the other side. 

As for girls, well! Some can be so catty, so bitter, so mean! I just don't understand it, if you don't like someone, don't talk about them? Don't follow them? Don't even think about them?! Just get on with your own life! There are so many better things to do then spend your time talking and talking and talking about someone you apparently 'hate' so much! Furthermore, don't spend your time bitching about them online for the world to see, in a club for the world to hear, on the bus so everyone in the world knows your news...what is the point? It's nasty, it's negative, it comes across as bullying and it just isn't necessary! If you don't like people, remove them from your life, block them on social media and forget they even exist... I promise you will all be much happier!

And if we're talking guy on guy hate, well. Some guys like football, some guys are gym addicts, some guys like gaming. Some guys like all three! Everyone is different and yet I'm seeing guys be absolute douche bags about each other. Why does it bother you so much what someone else is doing? Is your own life that boring? Get a bloody grip!!!! Everyone enjoys doing different things...if, as an adult, you still haven't learnt this, you're probably going to struggle through life quite a bit. Get over yourself, get over the likes and dislikes of other people and move on!


Rant over! It's been a long week already and it's only Wednesday! Let's hope we can all be a bit more positive for the rest of the week hey...!

Let me know anything that's got you ranting in the comments below- we can rant it out together!

Love from,
Florence Grace 

Like this? Why not try... Watch out, it's a snake! | Girl on girl hate.


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