It's 11pm...

It's 11pm and I am only just finding the time to write my daily blog. Today has been absolutely packed. 

I was up until 2am this morning doing- guess what- work. I slept until 10, making sure I got in my 8 hours of course, and then it was straight up to work. And when I say straight up to work, I mean posting on social media for Love from... and Following this I worked from 12-5 at Topshop and let me tell you, it was hectic! It's normally pretty quiet, but for some reason customers were swarming in today- and we had delivery today too!

Once I came home it was straight back to my social media work, planning out my finances from now until Christmas, dinner and then going for a walk to try and reach my 10,000 steps (spoiler alert- I didn't) and then back home to write some freelance articles, a blog post for and my own blog post. 

I still need to shower and watch the latest episode of Hollyoaks, before going to be so I can get enough sleep before starting work at 9 tomorrow morning!

People think I have a really easy life, working from home, just playing around on social media and blogs, but let me tell you it's really not as easy as it seems. Whilst yes, it's more enjoyable than, I don't know, working in retail or in a pub, yes I can sleep late or stay up late (depending on the shifts of my other job!) and yes I can work in my pyjamas or from the comfort of my own bed, I still have to work. I can't use my own social media and do nothing else, I have to use it professionally, on behalf of others. I have a set word count to hit for my writing every day and I can't sleep until it's done. I have to live a life outside of work too. It is actually pretty difficult to cram it all on! 

But somehow, today, I've managed (just about!). And yes, it had meant a pretty crappy blog post for you today, but I hope you can forgive me and that you understand that I really do so much in the hours of the day I have! 

How is your week going? Are you all being busy little bee's too? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I know the feeling. Some people think I have an easy life because I blog, write for a number of publications and manage social media but it's a lot of hard work! It's not glamourous.


    1. I know right! "Oh you're lifes easy you just sit on a laptop", hun, no! Hahaha x


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