Happy birthday Tom Hanks!
Today is my favourite person in all the world's birthday- Tom Hanks! For those of you who don't already know, I am obsessed with Tom Hanks! Not because he's my celebrity crush or because I think he's hot, because it's not that at all. I adore him in the way I think he'd be a great dad or granddad or uncle! He's just so...lovely! Not to mention an incredibly talented actor! So, in honour of his birthday today, I'm going to share with you my favourite Tom Hanks films of all time!
Forrest Gump.
My number one favourite film of all time, let alone Tom Hanks film. His acting is just incredible, the story is heartbreaking as well as heartwarming, totally emotional and just...so good. Words can not describe!

You've Got Mail.
This is the kind of film that leaves you all fuzzy inside! It's just the perfect rom com movie, and Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks make the perfect on screen pairing. There's some lovely quotes in the film too, I just don't see how people can not enjoy this film.

Big is one of the first Tom Hanks film's I remember watching, aside from hearing his voice in Toy Story of course. It's remained one of my favourite's to this day, I just love it! It's a hilarious story, there's some small emotional parts, but overall it just puts a huge smile on your face! And Tom Hanks is great at acting with a 12 year old's mentality too.

Money Pit.
Money Pit is a film I often find many of my friends have never even heard of, yet it is so hilarious! It's one of the films that makes me laugh the most- if you've never seen it before you are missing out, so go and buy a copy asap!

Extremely loud, incredibly close.
Tom Hanks only has a minor role in this film but it's still such a good film of his. It touches on the sensitive subject of 9/11 and so is, of course, incredibly emotional. I cried throughout almost the entire film. It's brilliant though, and a must see!

I could go on and on but this post would be so, so long! What are your favourite Tom Hanks films? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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