
Today is the day! I'm off to see Beyonce!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally can't believe this. I have waited so long for this moment. Beyonce's music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My earliest memory of listening to her is my mum playing 'Crazy in Love' at my old, old house when I was...what, seven maybe? Basically, I don't remember ever not listening to (and loving) Beyonce's music! 

When she went on her last world tour, I was so excited. Finally, with my o2 priority, I'd have a good chance at getting tickets to see the goddess herself! I managed to get in the queue, get tickets- but I was in a group of three friends, and I could only get two tickets. Neither of them wanted to come without the other and so I gave up the tickets. I had to watch almost every girl at school go to Beyonce whilst I sat there, knowing I gave my pair up. 

But they say everything happens for a reason, because this year she's back (and better than ever before, might I add!). I sat there on my laptop, my sister sat on her laptop, my dad was on his computer at work and between us we managed to get three different pairs of tickets! I selected the best pair, pressed buy (courtesy of my mums credit card) and voila, suddenly I was going to see my queen! 

2016 has been a bit of a roller coaster year for me, and when Beyonce brought out her new album, I related so much to pretty much every song- those of you who know me, or read my blog regularly, will probably understand why. Her lyrics resonated with me and what I was going through and her strength and independence inspired my own strength and independence. I seriously love this woman and I feel so lucky that today I will get to spend a couple of hours in her presence. 

I'm a little sad the day has rolled around already, because I don't want it to be over! But the excitement is overruling every other emotion right now...I am so so buzzed! 

Are you going to/have you been to any of the Formation World Tour shows? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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