I know how to stop hangovers!
I am dying. Really, really dying. I may already be dead.
Okay, slight exaggeration but that's what it feels like. It's a struggle to even type, my tummy feels all swooshy, my head is spinning. This, my friends, is a hangover- and only the third one I have ever had in my life.

I am a very fortunate drinker because I really don't get hangovers. I can drink to my hearts content, wake up the next day and be fine. But there have been three occasions where I have suffered from a hangover and I have now cracked the secret as to what it is that gives them to me.
Jaeger bombs.
I can't stand them. I hate them. They're the only drink that makes me sick and the only drink that leaves me with a hangover and feeling like absolute hell the next day. I had forgotten all about the jaeger bomb I so stupidly drank last night until Alex reminded me about it this morning and suddenly everything made sense. I was sick this morning and I feel rough as hell right now, so that has to be why.
So now I know how to stop hangovers. Don't drink jaeger bombs!

Should be easy, right?
Love from,
Florence Grace
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