Am I okay?

I think there must be something wrong with me, because this evening I had the urge to go for a run. Like, I actually wanted to go running! How weird, right? 

But you know, because I'm doing this whole get fit, get healthier thing, I made sure that I went. I got my work done, got into my Ivy Park gear and then went for it. I really, really went for it. Normally on my runs, I run and walk and run and walk and run and walk, using lamp posts as markers to stop and start at. However, today, I ran and walked and then ran. Yep, I only stopped once! 

I ran faster than normal too, really pushing myself. I put on some really fast, upbeat music, focused on the horizon and really sprinted- I have always been more of a short distance runner than a long distance one and I find sprinting so much easier. 

sexy reactions running run wonder woman

I also took a bottle of water along with me, something I don't normally do, and I'm wondering if keeping hydrated throughout the run actually helped me to run better than I normally do! 

When I got home my legs were shaking and aching and I was so out of breathe but I felt so proud because I'd done it. I hadn't had to force myself to go out, I had wanted too. I hadn't struggled too much with the run, it had been a nice evening to go out in- so yes, I was left feeling very happy. 

I get bored really easily, so I think mixing up my exercise routine is important. Some days I'll just walk, some days I'll do a Jillian Michael work out, other days I'll go for a run. Some days I might do two of those together! I have to keep changing it up otherwise it will quickly become a routine that feels like a chore. 

What exercises do you love and hate to do? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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