Formation World Tour

As I wrote about yesterday, last night I was fortunate enough to see Beyonce! As anyone could have expected, it was incredible. To be honest, she actually exceeded my expectations, and I can't really put into words just how amazing the night was. Every single performance was off the scale, her dance routines and costume changes were flawless, and her voice...well, it was just as good as on the CD, if not better!

It wasn't just the performance that blew me away though. It was the message behind the entire show, the idea of female empowerment, being comfortable in your ow skin, standing on your own two feet no matter what tornado of crap life brings your way, not needing a man to be happy. Of course, every single one of those key themes resonated so strongly with me and I was beyond inspired.

It made me feel better about everything I've gone through in the last six months, really. I've had my heart broken, I have been grinding non stop to make money, I've been working on growing as a person and learning to love myself. It might sound cliche, but I couldn't have done it without the music of several artists, their lyrics taking me through this new chapter in my life, step by step- and Beyonce was definitely one of them. Her old songs such as 'Diva' and 'If I Were A Boy' were particularly helpful, but when she dropped her album 'Lemonade', it was as though she had heard about what I was going through and written this album just for me.

I'm not silly, I know that hundreds of thousands of people all over the world must feel the same. But it provided comfort and inspiration to me, and I have listened to it every single day since its release.

Last night, I left the concert feeling motivated and inspired. I cried throughout the concert, for a number of reasons, and afterwards I just felt...refreshed. Like it was all over and now I could just move on, move forwards, focus on number 1- that's me- and just be happy. I felt like if Beyonce could get through everything she has in the eyes of the public whilst being a worldwide celebrity in high demand, I could do the same from the privacy of my own home in my quiet home town. A weight was lifted from my shoulders and I just felt so inspired to work harder than ever before to achieve my dreams, the way Beyonce has worked so hard to achieve hers!

I am so, so lucky I got to see my idol in person. It has been a complete dream come true and I can't believe it's all over. Hopefully she'll do another tour in the future...and I definitely won't miss out!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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