This year is MY year.

This year really has been the making of me. I honestly feel as though I have evolved so much as a person this year, for the better. I have become more independent, more confident, more sociable, even more ambitious (hey, who knew that was possible?). I really feel like 2016 will be my year, and that by the time I reach 31st December 2016, I'll be looking back on the year thinking "Wow. Look what I did". 

By the end of this year...

I hope to have achieved my journalism qualification- or at least the coursework, because I have a feeling the next round of exams isn't until April. It's so exciting to think that I will soon be a 'proper' journalist. Obviously I refer to myself as a journalist now, because I write for a number of websites and printed publications, but soon I'll be qualified, and I know that will be an amazing feeling! No university, no student debt, no struggling to find a job. I feel so lucky to be in this position and I know it's only been my hard work that's brought me to where I am- so I feel pretty proud of myself to be honest! 

I hope to have qualified as a radio presenter too! If not, I hope to have booked the course and set plans in motion to begin the qualification. I'm looking at two different courses right now, weighing up the options and looking at the pro's and con's etc. Either way, I'm mega excited to have the opportunity to get back into radio and into my dream job- again, without the assistance of university or anyone else's help, simply my own hard work. 

I will hopefully have developed Love from... even further. I want to improve the website, build up a bigger collection of advertisers, improve the magazine itself, take on some more writers and bloggers and maybe develop an app too. All of this may be just a little too ambitious for the next 6 months on top of everything else, but I'm nothing if not ambitious!

I want to have developed in my new job, handling the blog and social media for I want to have impressed my bosses, helped develop the business and contributed to the growth and successes of the business too. 

I'm going to have lost at least 2 stone- I am absolutely determined that this will have happened. I will be immensely happy if this happens.

I will have written a blog post every single day. 366 blog posts, come rain or shine, come holidays and birthdays, I will have posted every single day. That's going to be a real achievement and something I can't wait to say that I have done. 

So, if all of this happens- and I am so determined to make sure that it does!- I am going to finish 2016 with a bang, knowing that this year really was my year! It's been pretty good so far, and I can only hope that it will be onwards and upwards from here on in!

Has 2016 been your year? Let me know what you've achieved so far and/or what you're hoping to do with the rest of your year!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. WELL DONE! And good luck with everything!




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