Back in April, I wrote a pretty gloomy post about how I'd discovered that the "views" stat on Google Blogger, the platform I use for my blog, were not accurate and that most of them were spam views or computer bot thingamajigs. I couldn't believe this. I believed I had well over 80,000 blog views until I had Google Analytics installed- an accurate statistics counter- and was told otherwise. It turned out that actually, I had only had around 4,000 page views. I couldn't believe it, that in 18 months, with so many people telling me they'd read my posts and shared them etc. that I could only have had 4,000 views instead of the 80,000 Blogger had told me. I also couldn't believe that Blogger was so inaccurate! It really put me off blogging, and made me feel like I would now never achieve my goal of reaching 100,000 blog views before the end of the year- something I had been lead to believe I'd achieve quite easily with Bloggers stats in mind. 


I couldn't stop blogging because A) I love it and B) I'm trying to blog every day for 2016. SO I had a moan about it and then kind of...well. Forgot about it. I didn't want to think about my views (or lack of them), the fact that most of my readers only spent an average of 20 seconds on my blog at a time or that most of them weren't even from the UK. I just got on with blogging and didn't give it another thought. 

Until today. This morning, I saw someone write a tweet about Google Analytics and thought hey, it's been a while, maybe I'll check mine. And let me tell you, I'm so glad that I did because it made my Wednesday! 

My all time blog views now sit at 20,819. No where near the 80,000 I believed I had thanks to Blogger but a vast improvement from the mere 4,000 I had at the end of April! My session time has gone from an average of 21 seconds to 49 seconds, meaning people are staying on my blog for longer (although still not very long...but it's an improvement!). My readership from the UK has grown massively too. Overall, everything has just improved, which I am so happy about! 

Clearly, I've been doing something right to get you guys to read my blog posts more than before, although I don't feel like I've been doing anything differently! I am obviously not going to reach 100,000 views by 31st December as planned, but I see some light at the end of the tunnel that I might be able to reach 50,000 now! Fingers crossed hey!

I have a love hate relationship with Google Analytics, but today I most definitely love it! And I most definitely love all of you guys for continually reading my mashed up thoughts in this random space on the internet, so thank you to all of you- I appreciate it so much! 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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