A sad state of affairs.

The world has become a truly horrible place. 

We'd heard of terrorist attacks before, and we acknowledged that they happened, but since the end of 2015 with the first major publicised ISIS attack in Paris, the world seems to have gone into a turmoil. Incidents began happening monthly, weekly and, now, daily. Daily. It's really beginning to make me feel uneasy. 

I just don't understand how so many people can be so cruel. How can so many people kill other innocent people with such ease? Have they no conscience? Do they not lie awake at night, racked with guilt at the things they have done, with no real explanation as to why they've done it? Do they genuinely believe what they're doing is right? 

When I go to bed each night, I genuinely wonder what I will wake up to tomorrow. Who will have been murdered, which country will have been ferociously attacked for no good reason? Who will we be grieving for? Because the grief seems to be never ending. 

World peace is an ambitious goal and one that I feel we genuinely will never achieve- at least not in my lifetime anyway! But the rate things are going, it seems almost a dream of an idea, not even a tangible thought. Bombs, bullets and blades are being thrown around left, right and centre and there is seemingly nothing we can do about it. It doesn't matter about your race, your religion, your gender, your sexual orientation; no one is safe from this. 

Where has all the love in the world gone? It seems to have run dry. Everyone is bitter, cynical, sarcastic. People fear for their lives when they travel, when they speak out, when they defend themselves and others. It's turning us into silent clones, scared to do anything should we suffer severe consequences for doing so. 

My thoughts are with every single person who has suffered this year, and who is still suffering. Believe me when I say that there are still good people in this world, even if it seems like there aren't- I am one of them. I hope we can begin to change things around and try to turn 2016 into more of a positive year, because I'm not sure how much sadness this world can take. It's a very sad state of affairs.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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