My apologies that today's post is so late, but I have only just got in from an amazing yet very long and draining day out to Brighton! Because it's late and I'm sure many of you won't want to read much at this time of night, I'm going to make this a very photo based post but let me chat a little bit about the day!

I had never been to Brighton before but everyone bigs it up and says how great it is, so I was beyond excited to go! My excitement only increased when in the morning I found out Sprinkle of Glitter was going to Brighton to see Zoella- although sadly, I didn't end up seeing them!

Whilst Brighton really was a lovely place with some adorable shops in the Lanes, a fab pier filled with fairground rides and some excellent eateries, I don't think it's as special as everyone makes out. I still had a perfect day with my mum, sister and best friend Alec, don't get me wrong, and I'd definitely go back again- it's just different from what I had expected.

Luckily it was a sunny day, so much so that I actually ended up burning my nose (again!), and it was just really nice to be somewhere new, exploring the shops and the area in general. Here's some of my favourite shots from the day for you to enjoy!

Have you been to Brighton before? Did you enjoy it?

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. LOVE that picture of you and Alec!! I'm kind of glad that you think Brighton is a bit overrated, the way most people talk about it makes it seem like it's a whole different world. Now that you've played it down a little, it doesn't feel liek I'm missing out too much.

    1. I love it too, it's so cute hehe! Yeah it is a nice place but it just isn't as OMG AMAZING as I thought it would be, given everyone elses comments on the place!


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