How social media is helping my weight loss

This post is going to be a bit of a weird one. I'm going to sound more millennial and social media obsessed than ever before, but I'm always honest on my blog, and this was something that I wanted to share with you guys, so. Today I'm going to tell you guys how social media is helping my weight loss. 

We all know just how addicted I am to social media. Not only is it my job to post on social media but I also love to update my social media every minute of every day! Not only does it help me to promote my blog and magazine, it helps me to make new friends, stay connected with old friends and creates a digital diary, so I can look back in a years time using things like TimeHop to see what I was doing a year ago, two years ago and so on. 

My favourite social media site is Instagram, and it's Instagram that has been helping me to stay on track with my healthy eating and my get fit regime. Like many people, I'm obsessed with making my Instagram look pretty and "themed", although my theme is pretty boring- bright pictures, in focus, white borders. Anyway. A lot of people I follow post really great, arty shots of things they're eating and drinking, healthy or not, and this has started to provide me with inspiration to do the same on my feed. 

But here's the catch. I've been very open on my blog and on Twitter about my new healthy diet and my weight loss journey, so I can't be posting photo's of tubs of pick 'n' mix or dorito's and dip all the time, can I ? So because of my avid social media use mixed with my total honesty, I have to keep eating healthily in order to post photo's on Instagram. See what I mean? 

Of course, I want to be eating healthily to reach my target weight and boost my overall healthiness anyway, but Instagram is definitely helping me to stay on track. Every time I go to have an unhealthy snack, I just think "Do I really want to Instagram this? Whilst I'm moaning online about my body image?" and that stops me in my tracks. Of course, I do still have treats! At dinner with my Dad this week we had chicken salad, but I still had a cookie for a snack there and ice cream for pudding. I'm not depriving myself completely of anything sugary, that's for sure! 

It's also thanks to YouTube that I have been doing so well in my first week of trying to improve my habits too. I watched Velvet Gh0st's recent video about nine healthy snacks and they all looked so delicious that I felt totally inspired. I went out the next day and bought lots of healthy bits and pieces instead of crisps and chocolate in order to attempt some of her snacks/meals. Then from her video, there were several suggested videos in the side bar about healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners and I watched about 15 of them, getting hundreds of new ideas I had never even thought about! 

And of course, there's the blogs, hundreds and hundreds of them writing about new recipes they're trying, healthy alternatives to unhealthy snacks. Even just people on Twitter making suggestions to me, like my friend Lydia who suggested frying tortilla's in 1 cal spray with some paprika to make a healthier version of dorito's, something I was really craving at the time. 

Social media generally has just been a great support system too. I have constant stream of encouragement from people when I write posts about my weight loss, when I post photo's, telling me if I look like I'm getting healthier, that the food I'm eating looks nice etc.! Without the encouragement and suggestions, my journey would definitely be a lot more difficult. 

So yes, it might sound totally bizarre and totally social media obsessed, but social media is definitely helping me with my weight loss journey! Of course, it can be damaging when a small portion of people write negatively about it, but the nicer people manage to outnumber the nasty. It's only been one week and I've already lost half an inch from my tummy just from improving my eating habits, so this week, I'm going to focus on increasing my exercise too. Here's hoping I continue to improve! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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