Today was nice.

I just wanted to do a chatty post with you guys today, because I've had a super nice day and everything has just been lovely, so I wanted to share that positivity with you guys (also, I use my blog like a diary, so it's nice to record what's been going on with me to look back on in a year or five).

So I woke up at 9am this morning, undisturbed by my sister who had woken up at 5:30am praise the lord (I should have guessed then that it was going to be a good day!). The sun was shining, I had time to shower, catch up on yesterday's YouTube videos and Hollyoaks and just relax before work, which was nice and something I don't normally get to do.

I was dreading work because it was a five hour shift and I thoroughly despise those. However, it actually went really quickly! I had a nice little catch up with Lauren, who I don't get to work with much but who always makes me laugh. We had several attractive lads come into Topman which doesn't usually happen so us ladies were incredibly entertained and I got to dress some mannequins, which I love doing! So the day actually went really fast.

After work, I got to have my weekly catch up with my youngest sister and we bought some treats for my mum too (buying presents always makes me feel good!). We went for dinner at my dad's and watched our weekly dose of ghost documentaries whilst he helped me with some writing, because it as all about sports and I had no clue.

Now, I'm just relaxing in bed, writing away and listening to my July playlist and feeling just very content with life. I love days like today where everything just goes well. I hope you've all had a good day- let me know what you've been up to!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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