Beating the holiday blues!

No one likes a holiday to end, knowing they have to go back to their routine of school or work and bad weather (well, if you're from the UK that is!). Having just come back from my holiday and being straight back at work at 9am the following morning, I definitely had a case of the holiday blues, and boy did they hit me hard! Here's some tips on helping to beat them...

Make a photo album.
Print off all of the photo's from your holiday and collate them into an album. Then, whenever you're feeling down about not being on holiday, you can have a flick through the album and reminisce on the memories!

Make a scrap book.
Similarly to a photo album, make a scrap book that not only has photo's, but also tickets, maps, wrist bands and the likes. This will bring back all of the memories every time you feel a bit blue. 

Start planning the next one.
Look at where you want to go, prices and then start saving up. All of the future planning not only keeps your brain occupied but it also fills you with excitement, rather than feeling sad about your last holiday. 

Keep the memories alive.
Did you go on holiday with friends? Family? Keep talking about the good things that happened on holiday and laugh together about them, keeping the memories of the holiday alive. 

Blog about it!
Write about your holiday and share it with your readers! That way you get to recap the entire holiday and it's the next best thing to living through it all over again, right?

Make a playlist.
Was there any songs you heard on holiday, perhaps whilst travelling there or in a restaurant? Make a playlist of all the songs that remind you of your trip and listen to it when you're feeling down!

How do you beat the holiday blues? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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