Summer on a budget!

When it comes to summer, we all want to be out and about doing lots of fun things, making the most of the 'nice' summer weather. However, especially if you're a student, it can be more difficult to afford fancy holidays and numerous days out. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy your summer though! Here's some things you can do this summer on a budget:

1) Bike rides.
You don't need any money for this activity- just a bike! Pack a snack and a bottle of water and then off you go! You can ride anywhere and for as long as you like, soaking up the sun on your way.

2) Picnics.
Whilst you might need to spend a little money, you can easily spend less than a tenner putting a picnic together, especially if you already have a lot of food in the house! Then just grab a blanket and take a stroll to a sunny spot! 

3) BBQ's.
Similarly to picnics, BBQ's aren't too costly, especially if you already have a BBQ at home- if not, you can buy disposable one's very cheaply. Invite some friends and then split the shopping list between you, with one friend bringing rolls, one bring sausages, one bringing cutlery and napkins and so on! 

4) Photoshoot. 
Make some funny memories with your friends, dress up and then travel to a location to take some snaps! You could go to your local park, woods, shopping centre...anywhere! All you need is a camera, or even just your phone! You'll have a laugh and make some funny memories.

5) Camping. 
You can set up a 'camp' in the back garden with a tent, battery powered fairy lights, cushions, blankets and snacks, then invite some friends over and spend the night under the stars. 

6) Home swimming pools.
Okay, it's not quite a swimming pool, but you can pick up blow up paddling pools for not a lot, and if you and your friends all chip in for one it costs even less! Then you can relax in the garden in a pool, which is almost as good as having a proper pool, right?

7) Movie Days.
Another great activity to do with family or friends, all of you bring your favourite film or two and some snacks each and then settle down in front of the TV for the day/night binging on good TV!

8) Home made bar.
You can't afford to go out drinking? No problem! Make your own drinks at home, setting up an improvised cocktail bar and make your own drinks. It doesn't have to be alcoholic either, you could even make some mocktails or summery smoothies! 

9) Museums.
Museums are nearly always free, and there is so many to choose from. Pick ones close to home or travel out a little further to explore some new places!

Do you have any cheap/free activity ideas for this summer? Leave them in the comments below and share them with everyone! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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