FELINE FRIDAYS #4 Envious Elsie

Elsie and Doris are sisters and, for the most part, best friend's too- thank God, because it would make our lives a lot harder if they weren't! However, increasingly so more recently, we've noticed that Elsie, the more dominant of the two, is very jealous of any attention Doris gets from us. 

Just the other day, little Doris was distressed whilst on heat, yowling and rubbing her belly along the floor, headbutting my hands etc. I bent down and gave her a big belly love which she loved and was evidently doing her some good. However, just a few minutes later, Elsie (who I had left asleep upstairs) came running downstairs and actually sat on Doris's face, trying to get a belly rub from me instead. This then lead to a mini tussle between the two sisters, and often leaves Doris left sulking in the depths of under my mum's bed whilst Elsie smugly sprawls on my bedroom floor, pleased she's now getting all of the attention. 

She's definitely a very envious little cat, and that's part of the reason that I like Doris a teeny tiny bit more than Elsie. Not to mention Doris is far cuddlier too! 

Do your pets get jealous of each other? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

Want your cat fetaured in FELINE FRIDAYS? Let me know in the comments below or email me at florencegrace13@gmail.com


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