We need to talk about Nani

It's well overdue, but we need to talk about Nani. Don't know who Nani is? Let me fill you in- she is the older sister of Lilo, from popular Disney movie 'Lilo and Stitch'.

disney request lilo and stitch stitch lilo

So, why is it that we need to talk about Nani? Well, for a number of reasons I feel! 

She is forgotten about whilst Elsa is worshipped. 
Elsa from 'Frozen' is absolutely worshipped, along with her sister Ana, for their incredible relationship as sisters, with some people praising Disney for their first ever portrayal of such a relationship. Um, hello?! Nani is not only Lilo's big sister but she's also the only family Lilo has left and is her acting guardian. She doesn't have servants to assist her like Elsa does, she is essentially a full time mother who works whilst trying to afford her home and raise her sister. 

She isn't Westernized. 
We all know that 90% of Disney princesses/female protagonists are White English/American's. It's sad but it's true. Nani and Lilo are a refreshing change to this- not only do they have accurate Hawaiian features, such as their eye shape and nose shape, they also speak with Hawaiian accents too, sing Hawaiian songs and participate in real Hawaiian culture, such as hula dancing and surfing!

She's drawn in a more realistic manner.
Look at Disney princesses/female protagonists. They're all the same. Teeny weeny skinny minnies with angular features and model like looks. Nani isn't fat, but she curves in the way most humans do. Her thighs are chunkier than her calves instead of being straight up and down pins like most female characters, they even take the time to draw a 'muffin top' style belly roll as she bends over at a few points. She's got shape to her, real human shape. She might be a cartoon but her body is pretty realistic. 

Look at her calves, her rounded elbows, her belly roll!

I love 'Lilo and Stitch', and I think Nani is a great character. She has been brushed under the carpet since the arrival of 'Frozen' and I think that's a sad state of affairs! Let's push her back into the lime light, here and now! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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