BIG bloggers

You know what's really pissing me off right now?

BIG bloggers. You know, not the bloggers who are Zoella big, but one's with an Instagram or Twitter following of between 10K and 50K, you know what I mean? Well, these kinds of bloggers are really beginning to get on my last nerve.

Want to know why?

Well, you're reading this post, so I assume that you do.

I hate how they attempt to further grow their following. That is literally it. For the last couple of weeks, I have had three 'BIG bloggers' follow and unfollow and follow and unfollow and follow me continuously, almost every single day! I can only see this to be a way to try and get my attention, constantly popping up in my notifications in a desperate attempt to try and get me to follow them back.

Well guess what?

If I don't like your Instagram or Twitter account, I'm not going to follow you back. It literally does not phase me how many times you follow me, you could do it on the hour and it still won't change my mind! Rather than follow you to stop you following/unfollowing me and keep you quiet, so to speak, I will simply just block you. I have absolutely no qualms in doing that.

The worst part is, I used to follow these 'BIG bloggers' and as soon as I followed them back what did they do? You guessed it! They unfollowed me! I ended up unfollowing them and now they will not leave me alone! This is not the first time this has happened and I guarantee it probably won't be the last, but let me tell you it is really grinding my gears (hey, what doesn't?)

BIG bloggers, take note. If you want to grow your following, do it as organically as possible. Otherwise you're going to find yourselves blocked by a lot of annoyed social media users- such as me.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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