FELINE FRIDAYS #3: Poor little Doris.

It's Friday so that means one thing...another FELINE FRIDAY post! Today's post is a follow on from last weeks, where I was discussing the odd behaviour of the cats and whether this meant that they were on heat. 

Well. My mum went to the vets to discuss the behaviour of our little fur babies with some professionals and it turns out that yes, they are on heat- or Doris is, at least! Over the last week since then it's been very on and off. Elsie hasn't been too affected by it, and we're just waiting for the day when she suddenly starts craving...well. Boys! Doris however...

Well, she's nuts! She won't stop wriggling around on her belly, writhing on the floor like a snake. She likes to rub her head on things too, particularly bags and shoes. She lingers by windows and back doors, clearly desperate to go outside and yet we can't let her because she hasn't been spayed yet- but when we take her out on her lead, she freaks and wants to go back inside!

She has stopped being so vocal. The mewing and yowling has died down, which we're all thankful for because none of us appreciated it at three in the morning! 

It's quite upsetting seeing Doris struggle with the emotions she's clearly going through, bless her, and I'm not looking forward to Elsie joining in with it all! 

Do you have any tips on dealing with kittens on heat? Our babies are just under a year old, we don't like to see them 'suffering'! Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace

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