It's my life.
You know what really annoys me?
People concerning themselves with my business.

Now, as a blogger/writer etc. I am totally aware that I leave my life open to speculation from the public, both from people I do and don't know. I have completely open social media sites in order to be able to instantly connect with people and to promote my work- I would not be able to do this with private accounts- and so people from all over the world can, and do, see everything. Selfies, drunken nights out, achievements, family days, my cats, new purchases, just my every day life. And of course, it leaves people able to comment on it all.
There are a few comments that creep up- usually indirectly- about the things that I post. Who does she think she is, her boobs are saggy, you still look fat, stop thinking you're better than anyone else, how boring to go out every weekend... the list goes on. Now thankfully, after undergoing online abuse such as this for going on 6 years, I have grown exceptionally thick skin. I am now able to *mostly* filter out the bad comments and let them go right over my head without giving them a second thought (once I've pressed the block button on that account of course!). However, there is one thing I'd like to know...
Why does my life bother you so much? Why do you care if I'm not wearing a bra, or how my boobs look? What concern is it of yours if I go out partying every weekend, after working a 5 day week with numerous jobs? What do you achieve by commenting on my weight or body shape in a negative way? It doesn't particularly bother me so much as baffle me that people's own lives are so dull they want to be completely wrapped up in mine! I mean really, who actually has the time to comment on every single aspect of someone else's life? I definitely don't!

I'm 20 years old. I'm single. I make my own money. I live my own life...and therefore, I can do whatever the heck I want! If I want to party every weekend, I will! If I want to wear crop tops despite being 'fat', I will! If I want to wear an outfit without a bra, I will! And no matter how many times anyone comments on any aspect of my life, I'm not going to change it just for them. I'm happy with my life and that's all that matters! I know I leave my life open to comments, but that doesn't mean you have to comment- especially if it's something nasty! If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all, right?
If you have enough time in your day to comment on every little thing another person is doing then I suggest you find yourself a hobby...maybe blogging, to get off of your chest all that's really pissing you off? Just an idea!
Love from,
Florence Grace
Like this? Why not try... A letter to my haters | The importance of self love | Why do people hate on the success of others?
So true haha, I feel for people like that!