Blogging on holiday!

In case you have missed all of this last week's worth of posts, I have just come back from holiday in Devon. However, despite being on holiday, I still wrote a blog post every single day, in order to keep up my 365 days of blogging. Now, some people might not like to blog on holiday or might want to be struggle with here's how I handled blogging on holiday.

Lost for content?
Post about your holiday. They can either be diary posts like I did, recapping on the events of the day, or simply filled with all of your photos of the day. Photo's are of course, easier and require less effort, but its totally up to you!

Post a day later. 
I wrote about my day at the end of the day, and then posted it the following day if that makes sense? So I arrived on Tuesday, at the end of Tuesday I wrote about the day, and then that post went up on Wednesday. This helped my content to flow all week long. 

So, how to fit it in? As I said, I posted a day later. So, before I left on Tuesday morning, I posted a post that morning, and that was Tuesday covered. Then, I would write up the next day's post in the evening when we were watching TV or when I was sat in bed. Sometimes, if I woke up early enough the next morning or before my friends, I'd write it up then. If you think you aren't going to have time, you can always write posts before you go away and then schedule them! 

Need help?
Maybe whoever is on holiday, such as your friend or a family member, might like to contribute to your blog, writing a post for you if you're stuck for ideas! 

Twitter is the most common way to promote your blog posts, and if you're struggling to find time to tweet on holiday, or to find internet, don't forget you can also schedule tweets using programs such as buffer. 

Do you blog on holiday? Or do you take a complete break? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Lovely! I am happy you picked my idea for your next post. Occasionally, I ask my hubby or boys "What topic should I write about?" It is not usually due to me having no blog post ideas. I have 500+ written down in my blog planner. It is typically a lack of motivation to write the post and/or not having thought an idea through from opening to closing of the post to know what to start to write. Thanks for the ideas of how to blog while still enjoying the holiday! ~Adrienne

    1. Thanks for giving me the idea! Glad you enjoyed this post and found it useful! :)


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