Don't you know that you're toxic?
No, I'm not just quoting a Britney Spears song.

I'm genuinely asking the question "Don't you know that you're toxic?" It's a genuine question that I wish I had the effort to ask to so many people.
I know far too many people who bring nothing positive to my life. No meaning, nothing special, nothing worthwhile. They bring stress, pain, drama, negativity. Combine that all together and you have toxic.
So if I feel this way about so many people, why haven't I asked them exactly why they behave in this way? Well, I'll tell you the simple truth of the matter- I can not be bothered. Really, well and truly can't be bothered.
I'm 20 years old now. I left school two years ago. I had hoped that the nasty, bitter behaviour I encountered so much in school would be left behind with education, but I could not have been more wrong. Apparently, not everyone grows up when they leave school. Apparently life continues just the same, regardless of being outside of the classroom.
I'm 20 years old now. I have absolutely zero tolerance for toxicity. I don't need it in my life and I won't stand for it either. If you want to be in my life and make the effort, have a good time with me and have fun, yay, great, let's be pals! If you're not bringing anything to the table but negative vibes, I have no problem cutting you off. It might sound blunt, bitchy, even plain nasty but it's true- I don't have time to waste, least of all to waste on toxic people.
To me, it's just a part of growing up. Learning to leave behind certain people in life because you know they're just no good to be around, rather than keeping them in your life because you feel some sense of loyalty towards your so called 'friend', 'partner' or 'colleague'. My cut you off game is strong and I am at a stage in my life where I will do it like that. I don't need any one so don't think that I'm dependant on your presence- I am not.
If you're toxic, you're gone. It's the sad truth, but that's how it is.
Love from,
Florence Grace