The struggles of being called 'Florence'

You might not think there's many problems with the name Florence, but believe me, there is. I haven't done a gif filled list post for a while, so I thought I'd bring them back to explain to you guys just how difficult it is to have my name.

"But if your name is Florence, are you Italian?" No. I am not Italian. Your name is Jasmine, are you a Disney princess? There is no story behind my name.

realitytvgifs  real housewives rhoa real housewives of atlanta annoyed

There's so many nicknames from so many people. Floss, Flossie, Flower, Flo Rida, Florence and the Machine, F10, Flo, Floella, Flo Flo, Flo Bo, Flo Jo...the list is pretty much endless. It's hard to keep track of who's calling me what. 

sigh toni braxton relief relieved whew

Most people call me Flo. That's not the problem. The problem is that Flo rhymes with no, go, show, throw, blow, so, crow, Jo/Joe, fro, bow, doe, hoe, low, mow, oh, row, sow, sew, tow, woah, whenever someone talks I nearly always think I hear my name. I get a crick in my neck from all the head turning. 

reactions face paul rudd sigh poop

People make lame jokes. Like, "go with the flow...oh wait, you are Flo!". Not even funny. I still force a laugh every time. 

People can't always spell it. Despite it being a city and despite it being a fairly easy name, I have had several misspellings, including Florance, Florense and Flowrence. Like, really? Wow. 

It's bad luck for any boys I like. Because they always earn themselves the nickname Flo Rida. Get it? Gross. 

You can never get a personalised gift. Sorry, but unless you're a Rebecca, Amy, Sarah or Ellie, you're not getting a personalised mug, door sign, or anything for that matter! Dream on, 5 year old me. 

Do you struggle with your name? Let me know what struggles you face in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Mate, the only thing that rhymes with Lydia is chlamydia! That was tonnes of fun at school

  2. Lana- I get called lots of nicknames mostly Lou, But the the worst thing is my name spelled backwards is anal.. 😂

  3. I'm a rebecca and there is never anything with Rebecca on. Everything seems to be Jasmine, or Chloe- names like that. My best friend has the same name and it's such a struggle. It's always names like Riley that get all the personalised items!

    1. I hate not being able to find things with my name on!

  4. Oh gosh! I know the feeling! I've had a lot of struggles because I don't have an English name!



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