English holidays...

As I posted about very briefly last night, I'm off on holiday today! I am literally so excited I can't even begin to tell you! Having never been on holiday with friends before I'm just happy to get away from my home town and spend six days on the trot with my best friends, who I normally see once or twice a month!

We're going to Devon and whilst this isn't an issue, the issue is that it's in England. I have absolutely no idea what to take on an English holiday with me!

We all know what British weather is like, especially within the last couple of weeks, it's all sunshine and warmth one minute followed by a torrential downpour the next! So do I take jeans and jumpers? Bralets and shorts? A healthy mix of both?

I genuinely couldn't decide. So what happened as a result of this? I took a whole drawer full of clothes. I have about 12 complete outfits and then 1,000 other fragmented items of clothing that are interchangeable with said outfits 'just in case'. I have jumpers, hoodie's, bralets, playsuits, vest tops, dresses, the lot. Oh, and let's not forget the four pairs of shoes, bikini, swimming costume and five pairs of sunglasses (one to match every outfits colour scheme of course!).

Obviously this meant my bag was full, and I had no room for any spare bags to match my different outfits, my make up and toiletries, my camera, chargers, laptop, nothing. So I had to have a rejiggle, putting my make up bag in my handbag, losing a pair of floral wedges and making space for my laptop and chargers. Everything else has been chucked in the handbag.

It's so much easier when you can just fling things in a massive suit case for a foreign holiday where you know the temperature is going to be a heat wave all week long, right?

Love from,
Florence Grace


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