Children- the light of your life or a source of income?

On 'This Morning' today (07.06.16) Holly and Philip interviewed a woman who has twelve children and is looking to have a thirteenth. She doesn't want a man, just an anonymous sperm donor, as she's not interested in having a man in her life, and she currently claims £40,000 a year off of the state in benefits to cover the cost of her children- money that she openly admits she spends on plastic surgery, designer gear and flashy holidays. 

The whole scenario, to be quite frank, is sickening. 

Now, I have nothing against women having as many babies as they choose to have. And I have nothing against people claiming benefits if they genuinely need them. The problem I have in this scenario is divided into two parts. 

First of all, she's having children she can't afford to provide for. How is that fair to the children? She claims she doesn't have time to work the 16 hours a week she has to work to avoid a benefit cap because her children are too time consuming- so she's already saying she doesn't have time to look after that many children. The fact she's relying on the government so heavily also proves she simply cannot afford to support that many children- and so really, its selfish to keep popping them out when she can't look after them properly herself. 

Secondly, she uses her benefits, provided to her by hard working tax payers, given to help her look after her children, to pay for luxuries for herself such as designer handbags and boob jobs! It's absolutely incredulous that such an individual can so openly behave in this way! So yes, she plays by the rules and somehow manages to earn £40,000 in benefits totally legitimately. Fair play to her. However, she should be using that money for her children. Not boob jobs! Not hand bags! 

To expect the state to keep funding her lifestyle and her children that she is "addicted" to popping out after confessing to the lavish gifts she treats herself is ridiculous. For the state to continue funding her and her family with such an excessive amount of money is even more ridiculous. 

It's so unfair that people who genuinely need financial aid don't always get it, or the amount necessary for every day living, yet women like this can claim £40,000 for nothing. You have to beg the question, are they genuinely enjoying having children, or using them as a source of income? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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