
You will not have been able to avoid today's heartbreaking news about the horrific incident that occurred in a night club in Orlando. If by some means you have, let me briefly fill you in; A gunman open fired in a popular gay night club Pulse and ended up killing at least 50 individuals, with several others left injured, before the gunman was shot dead by the police. The gunman also had a suspicious device attached to his body and a hostage situation occurred too. It has been described as one of the worst mass shooting incidents in modern US history. 

Once people found out the gunman was muslim, an onslaught of terrorist accusations and assumptions flooded the media, both online and offline. However, this is so much more than that. This was a hate crime, someone who genuinely hated people of the LGBTQ+ community. Someone who was "very angry when he saw two men kissing recently in Miami"- a direct quote from the gunman's father. 

I am flabbergasted, shocked, baffled that at this day in age, people still can't get to grips with people not being straight. It's 2016- fast approaching 2017- and people are still concerned about who is kissing who! People still get upset that men love men, women love women, some love both and some love neither. People get upset enough about it to harm, and even kill, other people over it. It is absolutely heartbreaking to think that at this day and age, people are still punished just for loving whoever they might love. 

Most of us know that you can love whoever you like. Most of us accept that, understand that and don't let it phase us. People are still people, no matter who they love. But when incident's like this happen, it just reminds us that no everyone is so up to date. Some people are firmly stuck in the stone age, unable to accept any 'different' way of living. Not that being anything other than straight is even 'different'...it's just not the same as you might be. 

Now, because of one person's small minded beliefs, people have been killed. Lives have ended suddenly, unexpectedly. Families are falling apart, friends are broken hearted. People are devastated, and nothing will ever, ever be able to make it better for them. 

It's incredibly sad because this kind of attack could so easily have been prevented if America just changed their God damn gun laws! It's so, so easy to get yourself a gun in America it's actually ridiculous. This guy probably walked right up to the shop counter, flashed his ID and voila, the gun was his, ready for him to cause destruction with. And yet, despite the fact that America is pretty much the only place in the world who has to regularly deal with gun attacks such as this, they still refuse to see that there is a problem with their gun laws. How many people must lose their lives, must be murdered in cold blood, for the US to recognise that there is a very, very big issue here? Clearly 100,000 more. 

My heart breaks for everyone who has been affected by this horrific tragedy. I hope that one day- and hopefully one day soon- the entire world will be able to accept that people can love whoever they want to, and shouldn't have to be punished for it. 

R.I.P to all of those who lost their lives, and my thoughts are with those who are injured and fighting for their lives due to one man's selfish, small minded behaviour. 


Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I agree, LOVE IS LOVE and I am absolutely disgusted by the events in Orlando.



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