National Social Media Day

Today is National Social Media Day (yes that really does exist!), so I couldn't let the day pass without writing about it! 

Social media has quite literally changed my life. It has opened my eyes to so many issues I wasn't aware of, it has connected me with people all over the world, it has strengthened me as a person, made me new friends, given me a voice and, best of all, created my career for me. 

I have worked on and off with social media for the last year, and I have been blogging for almost two years. I have had all of my media opportunities presented to me via social media. I have found jobs via social media. I have used my online presence as a portfolio. It has always helped me and never let me down. 

Of course, social media hasn't always been my friend. When I was younger, I suffered a lot from online bullying. It really damaged the person that I was, it damaged my confidence, it made me hate myself for a period of time. Now that I'm older, it's changed to just thick skin, now that I realise the problem is with the bullies and 'trolls', not me. But the issues are still there. Occasionally I get a nasty tweet or two, sometimes I'm even stalked in the most inappropriate ways. But I suppose these are things that come with living life so openly online. 

Mostly, I'm grateful. It's taken me in a direction I never thought it would. Before, social media was just for chatting with friends, sharing photos. Now, for me, it's so much more than that. 

That being said, it seems almost fit that on today, National Social Media Day, I landed myself a brand new job! (Yes...another one!) I am now the social media and blog handler for a beauty company, 

I am so, so thrilled to have landed myself this job, it is such a dream come true! They say its about who you know, right place, right time, all that jazz and it is true, but at the same time, it's my hard work- particularly with social media- that has gotten me to where I am today! A massive two fingers up to everyone who has ever mocked me, criticised me or slagged me off for being a social media 'addict', for being online 'too much'. It's creating a dream job for me and taking me one step closer to my end goal every single day! 

Happy National Social Media Day to all of has social media changed your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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