Having a bit of a terrible time

I don't really know what to write in today's blog post. I'm not really even in the mood to write, if I'm honest. Ordinarily, I wouldn't, but I'm doing that whole 'blog every single day of the year' thing (hashtag regrets). 

It's another Saturday night I'm spending in, alone, inundated with work. Am I a workaholic? Probably so. Yet it's never really phased me because I enjoy a busy life. But when I'm here on a Saturday night, moping in front of the laptop I wonder if it's really worth it. (Of course, I know it is. I'm just in a bad mood).

A lot of people have been letting me down at the moment, which has also been bugging me. I try to let it slide, cutting people off if they screw me over, focusing only on the positives etc. etc., but sometimes everything that's been building up just really pisses you off right? 

I wanted to let off steam and have a rant, so I picked up my phone; but I had no idea who to call, who to message. I didn't want to ruin my friends' weekend by dragging them down with my maudlin mood, and I don't have the kind of relationship with my family where I can tell them things. I've never been able to speak to my parents about anything and my sisters don't listen/don't care. Its not for any particular reason, it's just that we don't have that kind of relationship. I've always just kept myself to myself. 

In fact, even when I broke up with the guy I was dating on New Years Eve, I didn't tell anyone about it until around the middle of January. I just didn't want to bore people with my problems when I knew how many problems they probably had of their own. 

My mum always says you come into this world alone and you leave this world alone, and I guess that's true. And that's where I'm at now; alone. 

It's not because there aren't people there for me, because there are. It's just that I can't articulate my problems very well, and don't really want to. 

So this is today's post. Lengthy, uninteresting and a bit of a downer for a Saturday night. I'm sorry it's not anything exciting to read but I hope you can understand I'm having a bit of a terrible time. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Chin up doll. All the hard work you are putting in is for a reason. Think how well you are doing without help. You're a strong cookie. Big blogger hug. X

    1. Thank you so much Rosie, I appreciate that a lot. Big hugs back! x

  2. Oh lovely, I hope you start to feel better soon. I totally understand where you are come from - even with friends and family in your life you can still feel alone. If you ever want to complain just email me lol (iidifferentworlds@gmail.com). I'm the world's biggest complainer so I won't judge you haha.

    Angi www.twodifferentworlds.com

    1. Thank you Angi, that's so lovely of you. I have made a note of your email address for the future!

  3. Never alone when you've got me! You've helped me and the favour will always be returned xxx

    1. Thanks Lydia, I appreciate that more than you know! xxx


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