Healthy living/weight loss update

So for about a month now I've been doing this 'healthy living' thing. I was vegan for a short time, I've cut out sweets, chocolate and crisps from my diet considerably, I use vitamin supplements and protein shakes and I eat some form of salad almost every single day. I'm not exercising anywhere near as much as I should be, and this is the next thing for me to work on. But what has happened as a result of this? Let me tell you.

I've lost just over half an inch from my stomach's widest point and have lost an inch from my waist. I have lost not one but two inches from my thigh. And, according to my dad's scales, I have lost a stone!

I'm thrilled, of course. However, I know my dad's scales have been a little unreliable in the past so while I'm not sure of my actual weight, I do know that whatever I did weigh, I know I now weigh a stone less than that. Amazing, right?! I'm so happy! 

People have begun to notice too. When I saw my friends Poppy and Abby the other week, the first thing they did was exclaim "Flo you've lost so much weight!". Someone at work commented that I looked slimmer and my dads girlfriend told me my face looked slimmer and that I was looking "svelte". 

In addition to all of this, last week in Topshop I got into a top that was three sizes smaller than what I normally wear and in to a pair of trousers that were a size smaller. I couldn't believe it! 

It's nice that changes are happening that I've been waiting a long time to see. It's even better that I'm enjoying making the changes, making new foods and finding new healthy recipe's so that I actually love eating better things for me. I've tried orzo pasta, cherry peppers stuffed with ricotta, cold noodle salad, flatbreads, falafal salad...the list goes on! It's made me more creative in the kitchen and also helped me to loose weight. I couldn't be happier. 

It's the exercise I've got to work on (still) and I say this every time! I think it's because I know how much I hate exercising! My chest goes tight with asthma, I hate the feeling of being sweaty and my shin splints hurt after a few minutes of movement. My mum keeps suggesting swimming (as well as her beloved Jillian Michaels, who I just find so damn tough!) so maybe I'll be giving that a go next. 

Overall, I'm happy with my progress in the last month. Let's see how much I've improved on myself by the end of September! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. If we lived closer, I would definitely be your swimming buddy!! So glad that you're seeing all these non-scale victories xx

    1. Awww I wish you did!! Yay thank you lovely! xx


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