August favourites!

I've never done a "favourites" post before, but when stuck for some inspiration, I really just wanted to tell you guys all the things I've been loving right now! So it's not technically an "August" favourites, as some of these are not from this month, but it's things I've been listening to/watching/wearing/buying this month. Is that August favourites? Who knows...let's just get to the list.


Anne-Marie. Always the top of my list, second to Beyonce. I absolutely love her songs! Her lyrics are so powerful, the tunes are so catchy, there's always a great story behind the songs. I was fortunate enough to see her live at Wireless at the start of July (wow, a month ago already!) and am going to see her again in November- I can not wait! 

Anne-Marie ♡

Lemonade. It's not getting old! Beyonce's latest album 'Lemonade' is played on almost a daily basis. There's not a song I don't love on the album and I can relate to so many of the lyrics. It's really just a masterpiece!

beyonce lemonade beyonce lemonade

Amy Winehouse.
On a few car journey's recently, my family and I have been listening to Amy Winehouse, and I've been reliving the greatness of all of her songs. She has so many brilliant ones, but my favourite is probably 'Stronger Than Me'. 

amy winehouse

Films/TV shows.

Friday Night Dinner.
The new series started three weeks ago and it is just hysterical; although should we really have expected anything less? The family are back and up to more mishaps than ever- I actually cried at an episode it was that funny!

Jonah from Tonga.
Have you watched J'amie and/or Summer Heights High? Well, Jonah from Tonga is a spin off of these two programs. We first meet Jonah in Summer Heights High as a background character. Jonah from Tonga focuses more on Jonah and what he gets up to. I promise you it will have you in absolute stitches!


The Fundamentals of Caring.
As a Netflix original, I wasn't sure what to expect from this film. However, it had Paul Rudd in and he hasn't done a single bad film, so I had to give it a go. Without giving away any spoilers, the film was not what I had expected at all and was seriously so good. I think it's one of my new favourite films because it's just so excellent. The cast, the storyline, the background story for each of the characters...all amazing. 

netflix  the fundamentals of caring


Fenty x Rihanna Pumas.
If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen my latest purchase; pink Fenty x Rihanna Pumas. You know the ones, the furry sliders! I have deliberated over these since they first came out, wondering if I'd ever seriously wear fur shoes out and about but trying to justify spending £60 on designer shoes just for the house. However, when I decided to buy them online, they were out of stock. I was heartbroken! So when I walked past a shop in Marlow and found they had one pink pair left in stock in my size, I had to buy them- and I have no regrets! They're honestly the comfiest shoes ever! 

Longline Bomber.
I purchased a longline bomber as my first Autumn jacket, and tried to save it until then, but I just couldn't wait! I've worn it every day since I've purchased it, it's just so stylish- well, I think so anyway! It looks great with my sliders too...

Other things I've been loving this month are falafel, my Michael Kors bag, my velvet choker, my delicious lunch time wraps and Cute Nutrition shakes and tablets- more will be coming on those later on! What are you absolutely loving right now? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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