Style inspirations!

Since the start of this year, I feel I've been getting a lot more into fashion. Rather than just throwing on a jumper and jeans all of the time, I've begun to create outfits with more thought, accessorising better and also trying looks I never would have been comfortable wearing before. I used to be very nervous to wear eye catching clothes or "out there" clothes in case people laughed at me or stared- now, I don't care if they do or not, as long as I like how I look!

I'm not sure why this change came around, whether it's because I am working at Topshop, I've begun mixing with new people or just because my confidence has grown; however, I'm happy with it! So I thought that today, I'd share my style inspirations with you!

I'm going to start close to home! I work with Lauren (you'll have seen her mentioned a few times before!) and I absolutely love her style! It's so unique, always so on point- I swear the girl can literally pull off anything. Whilst I can't pull off everything that she can because she has a far better figure than I, she definitely inspires me to try more unique looks and be more creative with my fashion sense! I guess she isn't the fashion role model at work for nothing...

I hope she doesn't mind this photo...she doesn't have many of her on Facebook! 

Tasha is one of my favourite fashion bloggers! I don't follow a massive amount of fashion blogs but Tasha's is one of them (read it here). Her style is flawless. Seriously! She always looks so chic and so stylish and I just sit there feeling oh so envious. We have the same stripy trousers but they look way better on her than me! However, thanks to hers I've found some great new ways to style mine (including finding shoes that match them!)

Taking it a little closer to home again, Becca always looks so god damn stylish it makes me feel like I'm Cinderella in rags next to Kim Kardashian! If you looked up the definition of 'glamorous', a picture of Becca would definitely be underneath! She makes me want to dress more like a lady than a slouchy, 20 year old girl, even if I can't pull off looks like hers! 

Another one where I hope she doesn't mind the photo...!

Hannah is soooo much tinier than me, so I can't always pull off the same pieces as her, but she always looks so, so cute! I've followed Hannah on social media since I was fifteen and she has always, always inspired me in many different ways, but particularly for her sense of style! 

I love Anne-Marie more than life! Her style is so similar to mine as it is, she just inspires me to be a little more courageous! I've always worn hoop earrings, but Anne-Marie wears them bigger and bolder, so I've started to as well. She always looks on point, whether she's wearing a checked shirt an jeans or a little strappy dress- I envy how she looks good in anything! 

Binky Felstead
Binky is one of those girls who looks flawless trackie pants and an oversized sweater and I really do envy her that. Her In The Style collection only demonstrates her incredible fashion taste, and I want every single piece! Slouchy style is one of Binky's key looks an it's something I really take inspiration from when the weather is colder!

Who are your style inspirations? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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