THAT Innocent tweet

Last night, people anxiously sat at home, wondering what fate had in store for them.

Of course, it was A Level Results Eve! Teenagers across the country who had spent the last two years of their life studying and working hard to obtain a certain set of exam results had approximately 12 hours left before they found out how they'd done- and their fate was sealed.

It was at this time that popular drinks company, Innocent Smoothies, decided to make a joke that a number of people took in an oh so serious way- myself included. Here's the tweet:

Now, as an individual who works in the social media industry, this did irk me. Yes, I can understand that it's meant to be a joke and meant to be something lighthearted to put a smile on the strained and stressed teens of the UK but, really?

Let me tell you something about working in social media. It isn't easy. Now, it might not be as gruelling as the career of a doctor or a dentist or a lawyer or a vet. You might not need as many qualifications to obtain a career in social media. But let me tell you what you do need- a lot of time, a lot of energy, wit, humour, patience, good grammar, good spelling, a knowledge of things as and when they happen and a knowledge for the business you are running social media for. It's quite literally a 24/7 job and it can- and will- take over your life. I'm always glued to my phone, a factor that caused several arguments and fall outs in my previous relationship. I'm always checking the news on my iPhone, checking current trends on Twitter, trying to link them to the companies I'm working for. I have to post relevant content at peak times, keep the audience for each account engaged and interested. It might not sound difficult but it's honestly so much more than it's made out to be.

In addition to this, I also know people working in social media who are extremely qualified. Several girls I know who are social media managers/social media assistants/content creators all have relevant degrees from university, as well as A Level's and GCSE's. I myself have 12 GCSE's, 5 A Level's and a college foundation diploma. People who work in social media aren't necessarily without qualifications or lacking in intelligence.

What irked me more, however, was Innocent's 'apology' following the tweet and the uproar that came about because of it.

I know they've written it in the same upbeat, slightly sarcastic tone they use throughout all of their tweets, but I think in terms of an apology, it just didn't quite cut it. However, I did see them making more genuine sounding apologies to individuals who tweeted them, so clearly these two tweets were for the sake of the publicity on the account whilst trying not to be too serious about the situation- who knows?

If you failed your A Levels, no, it's not the end of the world. There's so many other routes you can take to reach your dream career. However, don't think you can "fall" into any job just because you "failed" your exams. Social media based jobs are included in that.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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