Saccone-Joly's vs The Trolls

I am an avid watcher of the Saccone-Joly's on YouTube.  A family of four, they make the best videos about their every day life as a family with their two children and six dogs, posting a new one every single day at 6pm- it is always an absolute pleasure seeing the things that their children, Emilia and Eduardo, get up to. 

A while ago, Jonathon posted a video explaining about some of the encounters the family had had with online trolls. People had reported them to social services saying that they abused their children, people had reported them to the RSPCA saying that they were abusing their dogs. The police were called about the way they behaved. Letters were sent to Emilia's ballet school. Their address was leaked all over the internet and hate mail was sent directly to their house. Anna's car was defaced by someone. It all sounded absolutely horrendous, and when you look at the love and affection YouTube sensations like Zoella gets, it seems insane that these same 'fans' are doing these appalling things to other YouTubers. 

More recently, the family suffered a terrible loss when Anna went through a miscarriage. It was such a personal, emotional time for the family and yet they still documented the whole thing (which I can't say I really agreed with, but it's their own choice to deal with things in their own way) and sharing it with us, keeping us as involved with their lives as ever. Now, while there were supportive fans of course, the amount of abuse Anna received for having a miscarriage- through no fault of her own- was shocking. Some of the comments I read online were disgusting. Following the miscarriage, Anna began to become victim to online trolls on a more personal level. They began to call her fat and ugly, body shaming her in the worst ways. In turn, Anna retracted herself from the family videos, very rarely making an appearance, if ever, and ceased to use social media. 

Jonathon made a public appeal on the family channel, pleading with people to stop and asking if people would please leave nice comments about Anna online. They did, and it seemed to work, as Anna has now come back out of her shell and has begun to be a part of the daily vlogs and use her social media more and more. 

Now on holiday, the hate has begun again for the family. The couple had to make a message in the middle of a vlog explaining that someone had been trying to ruin their holiday. Following Emilia's recent bout of chicken pox, which she is now fully recovered from, a troll had emailed the hotel the family are staying in saying Emilia was infected with all kinds of diseases- including ebola- and to chuck the family out. 

In addition to this, people have started to pick up on Anna's acne, which is truly not that bad or noticeable, making comments such as "how come Emilia got chicken pox but only Anna got the spots". Horrendous, right? 

I feel so angry. Not only because I love this family so much (not in a weird super fan way, I just think they're really great people) but because people in this world are so God damn cruel. What pleasure are they getting out of harassing people they don't even know? What happiness do they feel when they make fun of Anna losing her baby? When they try and get Anna and Jonathon's children taken away from them? Not only is it totally sick and twisted, it's also incredibly embarrassing that someone is this dedicated to trying to ruin someone else's life for absolutely no reason whatsoever. 

Online trolls and bullies are absolutely despicable and I hope I live long enough to see a day where they no longer exist/are punished more severely for their actions. Online bullying is a very real thing and it is so very serious- as is the case with the Saccone-Joly's, it not only affects youths but adults too. 

Some people just need to take some time out to grow up and reevaluate their lives a little. I hope these online trolls do so soon. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. IMO trolls are just sad little haters with nothing better to do with their lives. They're just jealous and toxic so they set out to make other people's lives a misery. They're not worth it!


    1. Yep, I feel the same! I feel very sad for people who have nothing better to do with their time then leave nasty comments online, usually behind an anonymous profile!


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