Things we can expect to see at Rio 2016

The Olympics start today! I'm planning on watching the Opening Ceremony late tonight because the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony was spectacular so I'm hoping for much of the same tonight! I don't really watch the actual Olympics however, but when I do I have noticed there are some things you always, always see...

False starts

race start false qwop

Wonder women with washboard abs

abs fbb female bodybuilder women with muscle girlswithmuscle

Usain Bolt doing his signature move

sports olympics usain bolt

Someone massively messing up a diving move

Similarly, a gymnastics move going very wrong

gymnastics ridiculousness rob dyrdek funny fails that hurts

Also, some crazy gymnastics move that has you rethinking your whole life

gymnastics balancing

People from team China getting super stressed because they aren't winning gold in every sport going

cute chinese

Team GB losing everything

tom daley team gb chris mears jack laugher

You can see from this gif Team GB take everything seriously. Are you going to be watching the Olympics? 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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