I have been doing a happy birthday blog post for all of my little group of friends this year, and today marks the last one- its Alec's birthday!

I knew Alec was odd when we first spoke at college- he likened my blue, fluffy jumper to a care bear. I'd never heard a boy talk about care bears before, let alone be called a care bear by one, so I knew something wasn't quite right with him...

Joking! Kind of, anyway...!

Alec is the person I became friends with last in our little group, but I really wish we had become friends sooner because he is such a laugh. I don't even really remember the specifics of how we became best friends; I just know that one moment he wasn't in my life at all and the next, he was. It's funny how friendships happen like that.

Out of BJ, Carda and Alec, Alec is the most like me. We're both really into music (not necessarily the same) and good films. We both love going to gigs, we both love to shock BJ and Carda with wild sex talk that they don't always 100% understand and we love MIC too.

Alec can be a bit odd, though, as I said. He waves at every single dog we walk past because he loves them that much, he will always wear a jumper, even when we were on the beach (sorry, a zip up hoodie) and he dates... well, we won't go there!  (Katie, if you're reading this, you're the girl I like the most and I can't wait to meet you!)

Alec has really helped me get through 2016. He is great at reminding me why I'm better off single by pointing out hilariously worded flaws in my previous relationship. He surprised me after my break up by saying I was meeting him and another friend, James, when in reality, BJ and Carda were there too, and they all took me bowling and out for dinner to cheer me up. He also (along with James but today is about Alec!) spent part of the Valentine's weekend with me, seeing Deadpool at the cinema. He rarely sleeps (told you he was weird) which means if I ever send a stressed out whatsapp at 2am I usually get an answer out of him. Oh, and he's a total gent because after we went to the cinema the other night, he walked me home! 

He's great at judging potential dates, telling me if they're worth my time or not. He's not so great at sending random guys on Tinder messages from me. But he's always great at putting a smile on my face and making me laugh! Even if I'm just laughing at him rather than with him...

Alec, you are a tip top guy, so I hope you've had the best birthday ever and been spoiled rotten! Thanks for being the best pal ever! Love you lots and lots!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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