How do you react to comparison?

The other day I was reading through a businesswoman/bloggers' social media feeds. I'd only just followed her, so I was having a browse, ya know? And while I found her incredibly inspiring by everything this woman was doing, I also felt a bit...gutted.

This woman had been blogging/content creating for just a few short years and had managed to set herself up with a six figure salary. Six figures!! Her blog is dedicated to helping other bloggers to do the same as her and she made it sound so easy- it just made me feel worse! 

Now, I know that is the wrong way to think, and as I said, I was inspired by this woman, but I couldn't help feeling a little bit 'meh' about how little success my own blog had brought around. I just couldn't help it. I wanted to have been able to utilise my skills the way she had, earning myself a six figure salary just like her! 

The inspiration is the important part here though, and thankfully it quickly eradicated my feeling of crapness. Quickly, I was writing up schedules and to do lists in my planner. I was bookmarking this woman's posts, putting into practice what she was saying and also following other inspirational bloggers and businesswomen she mentioned, taking in their tips too. I did some online research, some online reading. I watched some YouTube tutorials. In short, I cracked down trying to better myself and my work. 

Now, everyone's going to compare themselves to someone, sometime. It happens and is often out of our control. But what's important is learning from the comparison, motivating yourself from it, being inspired by it- not moping over it! 

I might have felt a bit crap after realising I wasn't half as successful as this lady, but have I let it phase me? Of course I haven't! I've allowed it to motivate and inspire me. Now, you do the same!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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