"My insecurities could eat me alive"

So I am inspired by different people all the time. However, this week I've been inspired by two incredible young women from the blogging community- Amy and Jemma of Blonde Amy and Dorkface Blog. This week, both of them have written very openly about their insecurities and I marvelled at this. They were so brave and so frank and yet when I looked at these girls, I didn't see any of these flaws. I still saw them as the beautiful, talented, loving girls I always have! But I could see these posts weren't for the benefit of how others saw them; it was to help them confront their flaws themselves and learn that they're okay. In fact, they're more than okay because they make them both who why are today! They're both talented, they're both funny, considerate, intelligent, beautiful and lovely, no matter what flaws they see in themselves. 

I'm always picking out my flaws, so today I wanted to share my own flaws with you, inspired by both Jemma and Amy's posts (which you can read here and here). 

1) My weight
Booooy is this a biggie. Like most girls I know, I have some days where I look in the mirror and think "God damn girl look at you! You so fine". Then I have other days where I wish I could cut myself out of my skin to reveal a gorgeous goddess inside of me. It's not my legs or my arms that I particularly care about but my belly because whenever I look down all I see is a flabby pouch. Ugh. 

2) My KP
KP stands for Keratosis Pilaris and is a skin condition that causes dry, rough, tiny bumps on your skin. For me, I suffer on my shins up to my kneecaps and on my forearms and a little on the back of the tops of my arms. It's not always noticeable on my arms, but when I get cold the lumps almost look purple. My ex used to constantly ask me if I had goosebumps even though he knew it was just my skin, and when my youngest sister was about 6 or 7 she pointed it out and asked what it was. Its made me very self conscious. 

This perfectly demonstrates my KP and my nose...sigh

3) My nose
My dad once told me I had a big nose like his, and my ex, several old 'friends' and my sisters have previously joked about how large my nose is. I know it's not as big as it could be, but it's also a little upturned at the end like a ski slope and it moves when I talk, which another old 'friend' pointed out when I was younger. I just hate my nose!

4) My writing
Some days, I love my work. I feel like I'm great at what I do and people tell me that my posts/articles are great. Other day's I know my grammar is slacking, I'm not writing in complete sentences, my words have gone to pot. And it freaks me out because if I can't write, I lose half of my jobs! It's worrying when I think that I'm not actually good at the one thing I want to be good at. 

5) My boobs
They're a little larger than average which is fine. However, I don't always wear a bra and several people have taken their turn at mocking how my boobs look when not in a bra. While my boobs appearance is none of their concern and while nine times out of ten I don't care what people think about me, sometimes it really does get to me. It can be quite cruel. 

6) My snoring
And boy, do I snore. My mum actually had to go for a drive at 3am because my snoring was keeping her awake, my sister frequently moves to sleep downstairs and I am the butt of many jokes at home about my sleeping habits. Some days I don't snore at all and some days I snore like a warthog. It comes and it goes and I always hate it. 

7) My eye
One of my eyes is smaller than the other and goes really squinty in photos. I absolutely hate it and only my pal Bobbie has ever really seen how bad it can be. Nothing can fix it, nothing can change it, and I absolutely hate it. 

Inspired by Jemma who inspired Amy who has inspired me, maybe Jemma's post on her securities will inspire you to open up about yours too. What do you feel insecure about? 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I've always thought you have a lovely nose!!
    I snore too, and I used to dread bedtime when I first lived with my boyfriend, but he's never said anything (thank god!), and I also get the squinty eye thing. You're definitely not alone in this, and I reckon even Kim Kardashian has her own insecurities xx

    1. Haha oh Lyd, you're so sweet!

      I'm dreading the first sleepover with a new partner, it's going to be so embarrassing! Ah I'm glad I'm not alone in the squinty eye thing! Thank you so much lovely xx


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