I don't know what I want to do with my life

I don't know what I want to do with my life.

There. I said it.

Okay, that's not entirely true. Since I was 12 I have known that I want to be a Radio 1 presenter. That is all I want to do. However, it's really not a very realistic career, and whilst I have worked in radio previously and have plans to in the future, I really do doubt that Radio 1 is ever going to happen for me!

Then I wanted to be a photographer. My dad bought me a huge, fancy photography kit, I applied to study photography at university, I studied it at college. But it always just felt like a hobby. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life doing it.

Since then I've wanted to be a journalist, work in social media, an interior designer, a fashion designer, a magazine editor, run my own business, a blogger, a YouTuber, a TV presenter...it's an ever changing list.

I'm quite lucky because I have done most of those things, albeit in part time or 'unprofessional' format. I am a journalist, writing for numerous publications and on a freelance basis for websites. I have done, and still do work in social media. I have dabbled in fashion design. I run my own magazine, and made my own stationery line. I have trained to be a TV presenter and have appeared in several TV programs.

But I don't know where I want to go next, what I want to do. Should I specialise in one field? Settle down in just one career, rather than seven? How do I pick which one? It seems an impossible task to me.

But it's okay. I'm twenty. It's okay not to have a clue about my life, not to know where I'll be a year from now. It's okay to keep changing my mind about jobs, about where I want to live, who I want to socialise with. I'm twenty. I'm allowed to be indecisive.

As long as I'm happy, that's all that matters to me.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Never give up on the dream hun. If you still dream of being a radio 1 presenter, who's to say it can't happen? You just need to make a plan.of action on how to realistically get there rather than dreaming about it. Go for it hun! Chris Moyles ain't got nothing on you... Maybe don't tell him I said that the day you meet him! Ha ha! :) xx

    1. Thank you lovely! I will never stop trying but I am bracing myself for disappointment haha! xx

  2. Thank God it's not just me!! I feel like I have a few s-so talents that I could develop, but I don't have one particular skill or vocation. Sometimes it sucks, but other times I'm pretty happy with it.

    1. It's definitely not just you! I agree, mostly I'm happy about it, but sometimes it's stressful not knowing which way I'm going!

  3. Quote: "I'm allowed to be indecisive.

    As long as I'm happy, that's all that matters to me."

    End quote.

    Doesn't sound so indecisive when you read it again :-)



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