Not worth the read

Today is the first day in 2016 that I can remember sitting at home and feeling generally rubbish about everything. I haven't felt this unhappy and grumpy since the last time I argued with my ex back in 2015 ha! Everything today has just been totally rubbish, I'm tired after having two full hours of sleep last night and then having to work today, I had crappy customers at work and I'm all bloated because it's almost that delightful time of the month so I'm just feeling generally gross. 

Also watching Sam and Tiff and also Jess and her French man on MIC made me feel all bitter about being single even though I 100% do not want another relationship right now- there are just some bits I miss like the cute night's together and the inside jokes. 

I'm also stressing because I made a lot of payments on Friday for my birthday gathering, my laptop and money into a savings account and now Ii'm broke with 5 weeks left before my next pay day and more payments to make throughout the month. 

Ugh. I don't really have much else to say today to be honest. I'm sorry to be such a grump but I just wanted to get it off of my chest. Tomorrow will be a better day I'm sure! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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