Rush Hair Salon: A Review

Last week I received an email inviting me to review a new hair salon in Milton Keynes, Rush Salon. In exchange for the review I would receive a complementary cut and blow dry. I haven't had a hair cut in over five years, due to my last hair cut being quite a traumatic experience; I had my hair cut to a certain length due to split ends and it just stopped growing from that point. I feared this would happen after every appointment so I just never made another one for fear of ending up bald! However, I know my hair is in an awful state and so when offered the free hair cut I decided why not? 

I wasn't sure what to expect from Rush Salon as from the outside it looks like a very small unit hardly big enough to hold one salon chair let alone a whole hair salon. But looks can be deceiving and they definitely were in this case. Whilst the entrance was small, containing a till and some free standing display units filled with a variety of hair products at the back of the shop there was a staircase. I was pointed in the direction of the stairs and proceeded to ascend them. Upon reaching the top I could not believe my eyes.

I was in the most glamorous hair salon I had ever seen in my life. High ceilings, large ornate looking mirrors and tall vases filled with exotic looking flowers were just some of the eye catching features in the salon. I was invited to take a seat in the "lounge area" which consisted of a large black cushy sofa and two large armchairs as well as a fancy coffee table with some magazines.

 I wasn't sat down for long as almost straight away an assistant came over to seat me in front of one of the large gold mirrors. I was offered a drink but politely declined however I noticed from other clients that "a drink" consisted of a beverage of your choice brought out to you on a tray along with a smaller tray with some Lindor's on it, so refreshments were definitely up to scratch! 

I was taken to have my hair washed. The girl washing my hair wasn't too chatty and the water was a little temperamental, often going boiling hot to freezing cold in seconds, but it was explained to me that there was a problem with the pipes at the moment, so I forgave this. The hair wash was very enjoyable and I feel like I had a good head massage!

I was then put into the talented hands of stylist Kelly. She discussed with me what sort of look I wanted for my hair in detail to make sure she knew exactly what I wanted and then set about doing it. She explained every stage of the process and every product she used in great detail, which was really useful for me, as well as chatting to me normally in between this. The whole process took about half an hour and  I left with some glamorous looking, voluminous curls.

There was only one problem with this hair appointment. The salon did not know I was a blogger reviewing the salon; they thought I was a paying customer. In addition to this they only had me down for a blow dry whereas I had been promised a cut and blow dry. Of course, this is not the salon's fault but is the fault of the PR company I was communicating with. However, Kelly did give my hair a quick trim (which it definitely needed!) to make up for the fact I wasn't getting a cut, which was really very lovely of her. She indicated how much hair I would need cutting off to get it to a healthy length, and while it's more than I want cutting off, I'm definitely going back to her come pay day to get it done properly!

Thank you so much to Kelly and Rush Salon for the free blow dry and for being so accommodating despite the miscommunication! I'd definitely recommend Rush Salon and wish I had more photo's to share with you guys! I guess you'll just have to go along to see what it's like for yourself...

Love from,
Florence Grace


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