Thinking about September

Autumn is my favourite time of year and we all know that it starts in September! So here's a few things I'm looking forward to about September (I bet you thought I was going to say Autumn, didn't you? Fooled you!)

The Autumn issue of Love from... 
The Autumn issue of Love from... is out on September 1st. I love bringing out a new issue of my mag and seeing everyone's photos and reading all of their feedback. This issue has one of my favourite covers as the photo used is just stunning! We've also just launched a brand new Girl Boss series which is exciting as well! Don't forget to pre order your copy!

London Fashion Week
Yes! London Fashion Week is upon us, and this year I'm going to try so hard to attend a fashion show or to just mingle in the area before one, taking some great photos and trying to interview some people! I'm also looking forward to attending some of the brilliant blogging events that happen at this time of year.

Holiday time! 
Me and my sister Clodagh are booking a holiday to Amsterdam in September which I am so excited for! Amsterdam is my favourite place in the world and I have been three times since I turned 18! I can't wait to re visit and also to show my sister around because I know she's going to absolutely love it too!

Autumn fashion will be in full swing come September and this is something I'm really looking forward to, particularly working in Topshop! The colours, the patterns, the textures- I literally can't wait. I'm determined to get a nice pair of ankle boots this year...

September means thirty days of Live Lounge on Radio 1! I love this so much because Live Lounge's are always so good! I've grown up listening to all the live lounges ever so this is something I always look forward to. 

I've had a long break from my journalism course (sorry Dad...) but I have scheduled in some time in my agenda (for real!) to begin studying twice a week as of the first week of September! I'd love to get most of the course finished by the end of this year, ready to take my exams in April 2017! 

What are you looking forward to in September? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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