Saying goodbye to summer

So I did have a really good blog post planned for today and then life got in the way, I had a hectic evening and I've only now just had the chance to sit down and write out a blog post. So there's been a slight change of plan on content for today's post but hey, it can't be helped! As I mentioned previously on Twitter (I'm not sure if I mentioned it on my blog), I'm starting a new series on my blog as of tomorrow that will run throughout September. This will be #SeptemberStudies! Every year I write a post that is pretty similar in content about going back to school and revision tips etc, so this year I'm doing it differently. I have posts for every single day, all about the do's and dont's of revision, what you need to have in your school bag, dealing with bullies, balancing work and school and so much more! I've planned out every post and can't wait to share them with you all, as I know a lot of you are at school/college/uni. ...